Sunday, 26 February 2012

We were meant to move


The Teaser

The other week we posted some stunning photos of our friend Verity doing pilates in the desert
and it got us thinking...

Where's the most interesting place you've done Pilates?
Help us put together an Album on facebook by sending in a photo of you doing Teaser in an interesting place!

Here are some examples including the lovely Verity
Get creative!
The Soul Team

Music Monday

How important is exercise?

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Pilates on the go

Our lovely friend Verity recently travelled to Jordan where she took these wonderful photos!
She was so determined to continue practicing her Pilates that she cut her matt in half so she could fit it in her backpack.

So this got us thinking
where's the most interesting place you've done your Pilates?
Let us know!
The Soul Team