Combine together the angelic voice of Sarah Blasko, the hushed melodies from Holly Throsby and the musical stylings of Sally Seltmann and what do you end up with?
A magnificent trio called Seeker Lover Keeper.
Equally talented and successful in their own right, these three ladies have combined together their unique gifts and the result is pretty wonderful.
To have a listen to their single "even though i'm a woman" magnificent trio called Seeker Lover Keeper.
Equally talented and successful in their own right, these three ladies have combined together their unique gifts and the result is pretty wonderful.
You'll be playing it on repeat in no time.
They have also just anounced dates for their last tour in Australia for a while.
Each show will be held in a church or catherdal to make it a little extra special.
Each show will be held in a church or catherdal to make it a little extra special.
Happy listening
The Soul Team
The Soul Team